IT Refresher

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September 14, 2019 All day
Hello Everyone!!!
It is that time of year again! I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. How about last years winter!! That will be a tough one to beat! Hopefully Mother nature is good to us again this year.
The course number for The I.T. refresher is e326190004.  Please go online and sign up for this. You will also have to go to the NSP website and complete the online portion of the refresher. You find this under only learning. If are having trouble finding it, send me an email and I can help .Also ,please complete the workbook and bring it with you to the refresher.
We will be using the check off sheet that came with your workbook.
Seven stations this year, Treating for shock and BSI will be included in all the stations. Please keep that in mind.
Station 1) triage station
Station 2) assessment station, this will also include substance abuse and poison.
Station 3) O2
Station 4) lower extremity
Station 5) eye injury and blunt trauma to face and neck
Station 6) chest trauma/sucking chest and pediatric patient using the pediatric assessment triangle
station 7) group discussing
If you look at the check off sheet, it will make sense.  (Click here for check off sheet)
Please send me your first and second choice.  It is first come first serve on picks.  The station are subject to change and open for discussion.  If I have missed somebody on the email list, please let me know.
There will be more emails coming soon along with a schedule for the day.
Questions, concerns, please let me know


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